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Artificial neural networks that can recover latent dynamics from recorded neural activity may provide a powerful avenue for identifying and interpreting the dynamical motifs underlying biological computation. Given that neural variance alone does not uniquely determine a latent dynamical system, interpretable architectures should prioritize accurate and low-dimensional latent dynamics. In this work, we evaluated the performance of sequential autoencoders (SAEs) in recovering three latent chaotic attractors from simulated neural datasets. We found that SAEs with widely-used recurrent neural network (RNN)-based dynamics were unable to infer accurate rates at the true latent state dimensionality, and that larger RNNs relied upon dynamical features not present in the data. On the other hand, SAEs with neural ordinary differential equation (NODE)-based dynamics inferred accurate rates at the true latent state dimensionality, while also recovering latent trajectories and fixed point structure. We attribute this finding to the fact that NODEs allow use of multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) of arbitrary capacity to model the vector field. Decoupling the expressivity of the dynamics model from its latent dimensionality enables NODEs to learn the requisite low-D dynamics where RNN cells fail. The suboptimal interpretability of widely-used RNN-based dynamics may motivate substitution for alternative architectures, such as NODE, that enable learning of accurate dynamics in low-dimensional latent spaces.
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神经记录的进展现在在前所未有的细节中研究神经活动的机会。潜在的变量模型(LVMS)是用于分析各种神经系统和行为的丰富活动的有希望的工具,因为LVM不依赖于活动与外部实验变量之间的已知关系。然而,目前缺乏标准化目前阻碍了对神经元群体活性的LVM进行的进展,导致采用临时方式进行和比较方法。为协调这些建模工作,我们为神经人群活动的潜在变量建模介绍了基准套件。我们从认知,感官和机动领域策划了四种神经尖峰活动的数据集,以促进适用于这些地区各地的各种活动的模型。我们将无监督的评估视为用于评估数据集的模型的共同框架,并应用几个显示基准多样性的基线。我们通过评估释放此基准。 http://neurallatents.github.io.
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